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Showing posts from 2013

Measles outbreak in Pakistan

Battling disease and distrust in Pakistan By Muhammad Shahid Imran Travelling along Ahmad Nawaz, a rural vaccinator reveals the true difficulties and problems in the way of proper routine vaccination in Pakistan. The majority of Pakistani population consist of rural area which has been totally unaware about the importance of vaccine. There are myths among them that we saw many people survive long life without any vaccination. The rural areas of Pakistan actually witness countless unreported cases of measles and other killer diseases. Ahmad has been informed by health centre about a death of child suffering from measles at hospital from this locality. The child was died because of the complications of measles, pneumonia and diarrheal fever. He was brought to hospital in total unconscious. His parents were responsible for this as they do not go through proper check up they assume it only a fever.   Now as per directions vaccinating team has to vaccinate the whole ...

you can save life!

You can save a life! By Muhammad Shahid Imran Imagine if you have to beg people to donate blood after every two weeks! Only a mother would ever do that for her children. Aysha married her cousin and after the birth of their first child they come to know that they are thallassemia minors. They give birth to a thallassemia major child. Her cousin said that he could not spend his life with parasite that needs blood after every two week so either she killed the baby or he will going to divorce her. She loved her husband so much and has proven this whole year since their marriage. It was a tough exam for her as a mother and as wife; she has to decide the single route to go. There is no mother on earth who could kill her baby with her own hands so was the Aysha. She decided to live without her husband and home. Meanwhile her husband divorced her and blamed her that it was her fault to give birth to such ill child. Aysha believed that there high in the skies live a Kin...

Tax....... The Lifeline of economy

Tax....... The Lifeline of economy (Muhammad Shahid Imran) Tax to GDP ratio indicates what percentage of Gross domestic product ratio is collected through taxes. Tax to GDP ratio is the simple measure of dividing Tax collected by the GDP (total income). It has no concern how you collect or spent your tax revenues. The worldwide table computed by Washington based heritage foundation shows that countries with high Tax to GDP ratio have the best living standards and are the developed ones. On the other hand countries with low tax to GDP ratio are the third world countries. Pakistan with 10 % or less tax to GDP ratio is in the league of notoriously failing and down troen countries along with   Afghanistan, Nigeria, Burma, Sudan and other African countries. Even the India has much better value with 17.7 %. Only exception is oil rich Arab countries with ratio around 2 % as they do not depend on taxes for state income. Some people argue that collecting taxes in Pakistan is...

Vaccinating the Handicaped future (polio)

Vaccinating the handicapped future Muhammad Shahid Imran Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. It cripples the nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. One in 200 polio infections leads to irreversible paralysis (usually in the legs) and among those 5% to 10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized. In 1954 Dr. Jonas Salk invented first polio vaccine for the virus and later Dr Albert Sabine developed oral vaccine which allowed administration of vaccine by trained volunteers. These developments led the world to last case in the Americas in 1991. The oral polio vaccine used in the developing world, is safe, effective, easy to administer, and inexpensive, but OPV consists of live, weakened viruses, which in very rare cases can cause paralysis. In settings with very low OPV coverage, OPV vaccine viruses can also mutate and begin to circulate in the population, just like wild polioviruses. Oral polio vaccine is now ...