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its time to bed (kids edition)

Its time to bed….
(by Muhammad Shahid Imran)

A well complete sleep is good for healthy body and a healthy body obvious to result a healthy mind. Normally the children having bad sleeping habits observe weakness and peevish behavior. Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.
Sleep is solution for all our temporary worries as we birth anew after awaking. Sleep and bed as a combination although it would not be bed of roses but important for a happy life.
“O bed! O bed! Delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head”
Sometimes going to sleep went tough when we try hard to do that intently so calmness is necessary for a good sleep.
A good sleep means different for different age groups for example for seven year children it will be 10-12 hours a day but for adults it will be 6-7 hours.
We all know that good sleep habits are important for children. But parents' busy work schedules, after-school activities and homework can all cut into sleep time and can have a big impact on how much a child sleeps. Some tips should be kept in mind for child’s sleeping, as it means to their life time behavior, are……
§  Sleep can have a big impact on child’s growth and development because lack of sleep can affect his temperament, behavior, alertness, and ability to learn.
§  Children who do not get enough sleep have been shown to perform more poorly on memory.
§  It is to make sure that child do not use the computer or watch TV at least an hour before bedtime as these activities can interfere in sleep.
§  Bedroom of child should be quiet, dark and cool which is necessary for good sleep.
§  Sleeping time of children could vary depending on his individual needs so look for proper duration suitable for child’s health.
§  Child’s bed time and wake up time should be about the same every day of the week, regardless if the day is a school day or not.
§  Child should do exercise as part of his or her daily routine as exercise at a young age will help establish life-long healthy routine.
§  Child should not go to bed hungry eat at least a light snack such as a glass of milk, a piece of fruit or cereal and milk. Avoid eating a heavy meal within 1 to 2 hours of bedtime, as this can interfere with sleep.
§  Child should avoid products that contain caffeine in the evening like tea, energy drinks, and chocolates, colas and coffee, it also make sleep away.
§  Before going to bed its good to do some calm activities like listening slow music or reading a book.
§  Never soothe your child to sleep by putting them to bed with a bottle of juice, milk only water is okay as other things may harm their teeth.
§  Child’s bed would not fill with toys. It’s probably best to keep your child’s bed a place to sleep, rather than a place to play.
§  Parents should not use threat while sending their child to bed as bedtime needs to be a secure, loving time, not a punishment. Its goal is to teach kids that bedtime is enjoyable.
So the sleeping well means growing well and making your mark with success. The Sleep holds us when we were weary and shaken, to make us forget all worries and fears, as William Shakespeare said….
“O sleep, O gentle sleep,
Nature's soft nurse, how have I freighted thee?
That thou no more wilt weighs my eyelids down
And steep my sense in forgetfulness”


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